
Latchford holds a BA (hons) in Art. Originally from Dublin, she now lives and works in Wexford. She is a current artist in residence in Westgate Visual Art Studios. She has recently been shortlisted for the John Richardson French Residency Award. An exhibition of shortlisted work will take place in Hambly & Hambly in March 2025. She was recipient of an Arts Council of Ireland Agility Award 2021, Artlinks bursary 2018 and County Wexford Arts Department’s Tyrone Guthrie award 2014. She has been awarded primary school residencies under the auspices of the Living Arts Project in 2014, 2106, 2017 and in 2018. (Other awards can be seen in the artist CV/Exhibition listing section) In addition to her studio practice, she works as a lead facilitator within County Wexford Arts Department Arts Ability programme.

Latchford’s painting practice, explores the theme of memory and climate change. She grew up by the sea and it has always played a large part in her life -and is around which many of her memories are based. Working mainly in oils on canvas or wood panels, she uses both old and new family photographs as source images.

Family loss, erosion of memories and concerns about climate change have informed recent work. Seemingly unconnected areas of research yet each serve as a metaphor for the other. Latchford’s aim is to create paintings that evoke emotional responses while emphasing the urgency of addressing climate change and preserving our seas and coastlines.

The following is an excerpt from a piece written by Art Historian/Curator Catherine Marshall about Latchford’s solo show SPF50. It appeared in Visual Artists Newsletter in Febuary 2023: (They referring to her paintings)

“Was childhood ever really as good as this, they seem to ask? Did the sun always shine or is this a trick of our minds? And what about the blurring of the sunburned bodies in the water now? As the title of the show reminds us, we now need protection from the sun in ways that our parents never expected, just as our memories need the artist’s protection to preserve them for us.”

Latchford’s paintings are in collections in Ireland, Europe, USA and Hong Kong.

She was selected for Wexford Arts Centre’s MAKEcurate programme 2022. As part of that had a conversation about her practice in front of an audience, as part of her show SPF 50, with curator and art historian Catherine Marshall. You can see it here https://youtu.be/0goLoCYNJjE